Basics of Rheology with Thomas Mezger - Special Edition(India)

Join this special edition of the famous "Basics of Rheology" course with Thomas Mezger, officially performing for the last time before his upcoming retirement!

The aim of this course is to explain rheology in an understandable way and to show that it can even be great fun. In addition to the well-known practical examples, we will add some special goodies. By the end, you will have learned how to deal with basic rheological terms and will be able to discuss viscoelastic properties. Thomas will present and explain together with his colleague Christopher Giehl.

Mr. Thomas Mezger, Dr. Christopher Giehl (English)
Thomas Mezger

Born in 1954, graduated from the University of Stuttgart as a process engineer. Developed in Contraves rheometer manufacturers (1984 to 1988) and Physica Messtechnik, now Anton Paar, acquiring knowledge in the field of applied rheology. For more than 20 years he has conducted seminars all over the world for employees of companies of many industries and institutes, seminars that contain the basic knowledge of rheology as well as practical use in industry. Author of The Rheology Hand Book and Applied Rheology.