Master the flow of your adhesives

Adhesives are used to connect surfaces. Usually, adhesives are applied as a liquid and harden subsequently. The curing process may occur due to temperature changes, by evaporation of solvents, humidity- or UV-light-induced chemical reactions, or just with time through the contact between adhesive and substrate.

Did you ever ask yourself how your adhesives quality control or R&D processes can benefit from rheology? From quality or process control at the production line-up to specific measurements in the development process of new products – register today and learn how Anton Paar rheometers and viscometers can help you accomplish your measuring tasks.

Covered topics include, amongst others, the following:

  • Your epoxy resin is too thin or too thick for application
  • A spray adhesive cannot be pumped or sprayed
  • The sealant does not spread on the gluing surface
  • The pot life of your adhesive is too short
  • A resin is too thin for application at 40 °C
  • The two-component adhesive hardens before application is finished
  • Two connected parts detach after glue application as the curing process is too slow
  • The shelf life of your adhesive is limited due to demixing
  • The hotmelt detaches when the room temperature is too high
  • You want to optimize the application of your UV- or humidity-curing adhesive
  • The adhesive tape breaks off when stretched under load
  • Powder raw material cannot be pumped
Recording available
Dr. Christopher Giehl Anton Paar Germany GmbH (English)
Christopher Giehl Anton Paar Germany GmbH

Dr. Christopher Giehl has been with Anton Paar since 2018, first as a trainer and product specialist for rheometry, now as a product competence team manager with a focus on training and communication. He studied mineralogy with a major in material sciences, holds a doctorate in volcanology from University of Tübingen (Germany), and was a lab manager and assistant professor for experimental mineralogy at Kiel University (Germany).

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