High-temperature X-ray diffraction – a powerful technique to analyze your sample under extreme conditions

Among all of the parameters in non-ambient X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature is the most prominent and most frequently investigated one. Temperature has a strong influence on the structure of (crystalline) materials and their related material properties. A combined study using X-ray diffraction with a suitable high-temperature attachment allows in-situ studies on structural changes under varying, elevated temperatures to be performed.

Anton Paar offers a series of attachments for high-temperature XRD. In this webinar, we will explain the different types of heater design and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each of them. We will underline the versatility of high-temperature XRD with application examples from the fields of mineralogy, metallurgy, and MOFs, amongst many others.

The webinar content will be:

  • Heater types and set-up’s for high-temperature XRD experiments (HTK 1200N, HTK 16N, HTK 2000N)
  • Temperature measurement, temperature validation and thermal expansion in high-temperature XRD
  • Optimizing your experiment (sample alignment)
  • Application examples

Target group:

  • Beginners to experts in non-ambient X-ray diffraction
  • Anyone performing non-ambient XRD experiments with a focus on high-temperature environments
  • Anyone interested in technical solutions for non-ambient studies at high-temperature
Dr. Michael Weißl (English)
Michael Weißl

Dr. Michael Weißl obtained his PhD in Technical Chemistry from Graz University of Technology, with a focus in development and characterization of renewable and bio based materials. After his PhD studies, he joined Anton Paar in July 2019 and is currently part of the product competence team for Non-Ambient X-ray attachments.

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