Some like it hot - High temperature rheology

This webinar will introduce to high temperature rheology by providing an overview of our instruments FRS and CTD1000 as well as of basic rheology in the context of high temperature. After a brief summary of what rotational and oscillatory rheology are, various examples will be analyzed and help in the understanding of high temperature rheology. These will include the analysis of the NF/gap, flow curves, temperature sweep in rotation, temperature sweep in oscillation, and frequency sweep on the example of  glass transition as function of the frequency.



Dr. Christopher Giehl Anton Paar Germany GmbH, Dr. Daniela Ehgartner (English)
Christopher Giehl Anton Paar Germany GmbH

Dr. Christopher Giehl has been with Anton Paar since 2018, first as a trainer and product specialist for rheometry, now as a product competence team manager with a focus on training and communication. He studied mineralogy with a major in material sciences, holds a doctorate in volcanology from University of Tübingen (Germany), and was a lab manager and assistant professor for experimental mineralogy at Kiel University (Germany).



