Discover Non-ambient X-ray diffraction: Principles – Solutions – Applications

Non-ambient X-ray diffraction (NA-XRD) has become an indispensable technique to understand the influence of temperature, atmosphere or pressure on materials of any kind. Besides its relevance for conducting research, this knowledge is essential for optimizing technical processes and performing quality control in industry. Understanding the basics and principles of NA-XRD together with knowledge of the system components (e.g. heater types and chamber design) needed for a non-ambient XRD experiment helps researchers to find the best solution for their application requirements. Furthermore, consideration of various practical aspects (e.g. temperature homogeneity, accuracy and validation, thermal expansion, etc.) allows further optimization of your NA-XRD studies.

With a long history in X-ray analytics (XRD and SAXS) and the deep knowledge in these fields, Anton Paar is the market leader for non-ambient XRD attachments worldwide. Over the last few decades, a versatile portfolio of NA-XRD attachments has been developed to cover the vast majority of application requirements.

The webinar will give you an overview of the method and applications, but will also provide an overview of the possibilities offered by Anton Paar. You will get insights into:

  • Basics and principles of non-ambient XRD
  • Typical components of a non-ambient system
  • How to optimize experiments
  • A short insight to the NA-XRD solutions of Anton Paar
  • Application examples

Target group:

  • Anyone performing non-ambient XRD experiments: from beginners to experts
  • Anyone wondering which type of non-ambient XRD attachment to use
  • Anyone who wants to optimize their non-ambient XRD experiments

Mag. Dr. Barbara Puhr (English)
Barbara Puhr

Dr. Barbara Puhr obtained her PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Graz, with a focus in petrology and geochemistry. Following a post-doctoral fellowship and some years of experience in X-ray diffraction in an industrial R&D facility, she joined Anton Paar in July 2014 and currently works as the product manager for Non-Ambient X-ray attachments.



