Biotechnological samples

In-depth study of sample properties to understand complex processes and interactions

Gaining information on the behavior of materials used in fields such as applied immunology, molecular engineering, and genetic engineering can be as simple as determining the concentration of substances at different temperatures – and as complex as characterizing nanostructures and their behavior under different conditions. Anton Paar is a pioneer in many of the required fields of measurement technology and analysis methods.

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Automated Multipurpose Powder X-Ray Diffractometer:
XRDynamic 500
Benchtop Density Meter:
Compact Digital Density Meter:
DMA 1001
Compact Raman Spectrometers:
Cora 5001
Density and Sound Velocity Meter:
DSA 5000 M
Abbemat Heavy Duty
Digital Heavy Duty Refractometer:
Digital Performance Refractometer:
Domed Cooling Stage for Four-Circle Goniometers:
DCS 500
Dynamic Image Analyzer:
Litesizer DIA 500
Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument:
Litesizer DLS
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Measuring Head:
DSR 502
Electrokinetic Analyzer for Solid Surface Analysis:
SurPASS 3 Eco
Electrokinetic Analyzer for Solid Surface Analysis:
SurPASS 3 Standard
FTIR Spectrometer:
Lyza 7000
Fully Customizable Laboratory Automation Solution:
Handheld Raman Spectrometer:
Cora 100
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6100
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6200
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6300
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 7400
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 7500
Inline Refractometer:
Micro Combi Tester:
Microwave Digestion Platform:
Multiwave 5000
Microwave Reactor:
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 200
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 400
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 450
Millikelvin Thermometers:
Modular Compact Polarimeter:
MCP 100
Modular Compact Polarimeter:
MCP 150
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e Space MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 72/92
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 102e/302e/502e
Motorized Alignment for XRD:
Z-Alignment Stage
Multiparameter Measurement System:
Polymer Measurement Systems
Multiparameter Measurement System:
Polymer Measurement Systems Configuration 1
Multiparameter Measurement System:
Polymer Measurement Systems Configuration 2
Multiparameter Measurement System:
Wort Measurement System
Nano Scratch Tester:
Nanoindentation Tester:
Pin-on-disk tribometer:
Portable Density Meter:
DMA 35 Standard
Revetest Scratch Tester:
RST 300
Rheometer Automation for High Sample Throughput and Complex Sample Handling:
Rolling-Ball Viscometer:
Lovis 2000 M/ME
Rotational Rheometer:
SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/RheoSAXS Laboratory Beamline:
SAXSpoint 5.0
Ultra Nanoindentation Tester:
High Temperature Vacuum Tribometer
Vacuum Tribometer:

Studying the kinetics of transport processes shown by nanostructured emulsion droplets to ensure successful drug delivery control

When investigating the potential application of micelles as vehicles for the delivery of active ingredients, stability determinations have to be complemented by studying the micelles' internal structure. Since their internal structure depends on their composition, time-resolved SAXS experiments can be used to monitor the structure changes involved in the transport kinetics of nanostructured emulsion droplets, such as the uptake and release of active ingredients like vitamins and enzymes. The main requirements for successful time-resolved SAXS experiments, high intensity along with high resolution, are met by SAXSpace, which delivers high-quality data at short measurement times.

Researching the elastic and mechanical properties of hydrogels

Many hydrogels are considered to be potential candidates for replacement, regeneration, scaffolds, or as growth substrates for soft tissues in the human body. Recent research (Discher et al., 2005; Moers et al., 2013) has shown that the elasticity of the substrate can significantly influence the homeostasis of tissues, which is important for tissue regeneration. Determination of the elastic and mechanical properties of biological substrates is therefore of great interest. Elastic modulus and creep properties can easily be studied with Anton Paar’s Bioindenter as the instrument is compatible with testing in liquids and can operate under various loading modes. The time-dependent response of hydrogels can also be studied.

Determining the intrinsic viscosity and molar mass

The biological effects of hyaluronan can be tailored for pharmaceutical purposes by changing its molar mass. Hyaluronan has a short half-life in the body; for some purposes, e.g. in plastic surgery, its stability has to be increased by increasing the molecular mass. The Lovis 2000 M/ME microviscometer determines the viscosity of dissolved hyaluronan. The intrinsic viscosity is automatically calculated from the relative viscosity of hyaluronan and its solvent. The intrinsic viscosity provides the same information content as the molar mass. Nevertheless, the molar mass can also be calculated according to the Mark-Houwink equation and read directly off the screen. If required, the shear rate dependency can be eliminated by performing an automated zero shear rate extrapolation.

Investigating surface properties to ensure biocompatibility of implants

Surface properties such as the surface charge indicate a surface’s biocompatibility. Depending on the application of a biomaterial, a surface with high or low affinity to proteins is required. In tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, protein adsorption induces the integration of implants while in other cases high protein adhesion may lead to thrombus formation. Zeta potential analysis using Anton Paar’s SurPASS provides information on the surface charge at physiological pH and the chemistry of surface functional groups. The sign and magnitude of the zeta potential are used to estimate the electrostatic interaction between the solid surface and a charged species dissolved in the surrounding aqueous solution.


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