Nanomaterials in final products

Powering your Curiosity

Nanomaterials in final products – in the form of dispersions and suspensions, composites, membranes, polymers and semiconductors – need to be properly characterized to guarantee the highest quality.

When nanomaterials finally come to such use, our work is still not done. Much remains to be characterized after the production of a final product to guarantee quality or desired functionality. Anton Paar instruments are used by research departments in many companies to produce high-quality products, including electronics, packaging, paints, coatings and inks, fabrics, cosmetics etc.

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Anton Paar Products

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Automated Flow Chemisorption Analyzer:
ChemBET Pulsar
Automated Multipurpose Powder X-Ray Diffractometer:
XRDynamic 500
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Autotap Dual Station 220V / 60HZ
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Autotap Single Station 220V / 60HZ
Benchtop Density Meter:
Coating Thickness Measurement:
Calotest Series
Coating Thickness Measurement:
Calotest Series Combo (CAT²combo)
Compact Raman Spectrometers:
Cora 5001
Density and Sound Velocity Meter:
DSA 5000 M
Abbemat Heavy Duty
Digital Heavy Duty Refractometer:
Digital Performance Refractometer:
Domed Cooling Stage for Four-Circle Goniometers:
DCS 500
Domed Hot Stage for Four-Circle Goniometers DHS 1100 with graphite dome for high-temperature X-ray studies of polycrystalline samples and thin films from 25 to 1100 °C
Domed Hot Stage for Four-Circle Goniometers:
DHS 1100
Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument:
Litesizer DLS
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Measuring Head:
DSR 502
Fully Customizable Laboratory Automation Solution:
Gas Pycnometer for Semi-Solid and Solid Density:
Handheld Raman Spectrometer:
Cora 100
Temperature Tribometer
High Temperature Tribometer:
High Temperature Viscometer and Rheometer:
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6100
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6200
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6300
High Vacuum Physisorption/Chemisorption Analyzers:
autosorb iQ C-AG
High Vacuum Physisorption/Chemisorption Analyzers:
autosorb iQ C-MP
High Vacuum Physisorption/Chemisorption Analyzers:
autosorb iQ C-XR
High-Pressure Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
High-Pressure Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
iSorb HP1 100
High-Pressure Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
iSorb HP1 200
High-Pressure Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
iSorb HP2 100
High-Pressure Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
iSorb HP2 200
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 7400
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 7500
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
PoreMaster 33
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
PoreMaster 60
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
PoreMaster 60GT
Micro Combi Tester:
Microwave Digestion Platform:
Multiwave 5000
Microwave Reactor:
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 200
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 400
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 450
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e Space MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 72/92
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 102e/302e/502e
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 102e/302e/502e MCR 102e
Motorized Alignment for XRD:
Z-Alignment Stage
Multiparameter Measurement System:
Turbidity Measurement System
Nano Scratch Tester:
Nanoindentation Tester:
Pin-on-disk tribometer:
Revetest Scratch Tester:
RST 300
Rheometer Automation for High Sample Throughput and Complex Sample Handling:
Rolling-Ball Viscometer:
Lovis 2000 M/ME
SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/RheoSAXS Laboratory Beamline:
SAXSpoint 5.0
Ultra Nanoindentation Tester:
Vacuum and Flow Degasser:
High Temperature Vacuum Tribometer
Vacuum Tribometer:
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 2 Station
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 2 Station Turbo
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 4 Station
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 4 Station Turbo

Suspensions and dispersions

Nanoparticles are raw materials for many kinds of new functional materials, from nanodevices to hybrid composite materials. For commercial application and processing, it is necessary to develop and characterize nanoparticle dispersions and suspensions without aggregation, and to control for instance the application behavior. Using various Anton Paar high-precision instruments, we study, e.g. shear-induced orientational effects in cellulose solutions, the viscosity of graphene coatings with nanomaterial content, the application behavior of paints and coatings based on inorganic nanoparticle powder, or the viscosity of CMP slurries.

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Composite materials combine different properties of two or more materials to form a new material with properties unlike those of the individual components. What distinguishes composites from solid solutions and mixtures is the fact that their individual components remain separate and distinct. Therefore, investigation and understanding of the composite materials’ properties are crucial for their application. Anton Paar is the best possible partner when it comes to rheological investigations or pore size characterization of metal organic frameworks (MOFs) with gas adsorption analyzers.

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Development of nanocomposite membranes is of major research interest for water and wastewater treatment. Hollow fiber membranes (HFM), e.g., contain a semi-permeable barrier in the form of a hollow fiber. The primary interest in HFMs relates to their pore diameter and pore distribution. Anton Paar instruments perform capillary flow porometry for biomedical applications – along with other technologies for measuring nanomaterials.

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Ubiquitous use of polymers in technology and in our daily lives is due to their excellent chemical and physical properties, processability and relatively low cost. The vast application of polymers is only possible through development and understanding of polymer properties and behavior. Whether polymer nanostructures or polymer nanocomposites (PNC), with Anton Paar’s portfolio of measuring technologies, a variety of research investigations can be performed.

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Understanding and characterizing nanostructures plays an essential role in the unprecedented technology developments in areas such as information processing, full color displays, and new sensor technologies, to name but a few. Solutions from Anton Paar contribute to the technical progress of our time. They include the characterization of particle size and the study of surface zeta potential to improve the chemical-mechanical polishing process, and the analysis of nanopatterned surfaces with grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS).

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