Cosmetics and body care products

Providing insights into personal care products in research and during production

What makes a consumer prefer one shampoo, skin cream, or mascara from the many thousands on offer? What criteria can be used to assess a product’s properties? – and how does this impact product development and improvement? The answer to these and other questions may begin with looking at the properties of the raw materials used, the ratios required, and how the final product looks and behaves in the container, in storage, and during use. Measuring parameters such as density, refractive index, and concentration and characterizing the flow behavior delivers excellent values to be used in subsequent steps to evaluate, optimize, and modify products – as well as in their quality control.

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Automated Multipurpose Powder X-Ray Diffractometer:
XRDynamic 500
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Autotap Dual Station 220V / 60HZ
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Autotap Single Station 220V / 60HZ
Automatic Kinematic Viscometer:
Benchtop Density Meter:
BET surface area analyzer:
Capillary Flow Porometers for Through-Pores:
Porometer 3G
Capillary Flow Porometers for Through-Pores:
Porometer 3G micro
Capillary Flow Porometers for Through-Pores:
Porometer 3G z
Capillary Flow Porometers for Through-Pores:
Porometer 3G zH
Compact Digital Density Meter:
DMA 1001
Compact Digital Density Meter:
DMA 501
Compact Digital Refractometer:
Compact Raman Spectrometers:
Cora 5001
The Type U L-Cor 8000 Coriolis mass flow meter from the front
Coriolis Flow Meter:
L-Cor 8000
Coriolis Mass Flow Meter:
L-Cor 4000
Cosmetic Lab Equipment:
Cosmetics Starter Kit
Abbemat Heavy Duty
Digital Heavy Duty Refractometer:
Digital Performance Refractometer:
Dynamic Image Analyzer:
Litesizer DIA 500
Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument:
Litesizer DLS
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Measuring Head:
DSR 502
Five-station gas pycnometers for true density:
PentaPyc and PentaFoam 5200e
Five-station gas pycnometers for true density:
PentaPyc and PentaFoam 5200e Foam
FTIR Spectrometer:
Lyza 7000
Fully Automated Benchtop Rheometer:
HTR 3000
Fully Customizable Laboratory Automation Solution:
Gas Pycnometer for Semi-Solid and Solid Density:
Handheld Raman Spectrometer:
Cora 100
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6100
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6200
High Vacuum Physisorption Analyzer:
Autosorb 6300
High Vacuum Physisorption/Chemisorption Analyzers:
autosorb iQ C-AG
High Vacuum Physisorption/Chemisorption Analyzers:
autosorb iQ C-MP
High Vacuum Physisorption/Chemisorption Analyzers:
autosorb iQ C-XR
The Type S L-Cor 6000 Coriolis mass flow meter from the front
Hygienic Flow Meter:
L-Cor 6000
Inline Refractometer:
Inline viscometer:
L-Vis 510
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
PoreMaster 33
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
PoreMaster 60
Mercury Intrusion Pore Size Analyzers:
PoreMaster 60GT
Microwave Digestion Platform:
Multiwave 5000
Microwave Reactor:
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 200
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 400
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 450
Modular Compact Polarimeter:
MCP 100
Modular Compact Polarimeter:
MCP 150
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e Space MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 72/92
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 102e/302e/502e
Modular Polarimeter:
Nano Scratch Tester:
Oil Absorption Measuring Device:
Brabender AbsorptoMeter
Oxidation Stability Tester:
RapidOxy 100
Pensky-Martens Flash Point Tester:
PMA 500
pH Measuring Module:
pH 3101 / pH 3201
Pin-on-disk tribometer:
Portable Density Meter:
DMA 35 Standard
Rheometer Automation for High Sample Throughput and Complex Sample Handling:
Rolling-Ball Viscometer:
Lovis 2000 M/ME
Rotational Rheometer:
SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/RheoSAXS Laboratory Beamline:
SAXSpoint 5.0
Ultra Nanoindentation Tester:
Universal Moisture Analyzer:
Brabender MT-CA
Universal Torque Viscometer: Brabender ViscoQuick
Universal Torque Viscometer:
Brabender ViscoQuick
Vacuum and Flow Degasser:
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 2 Station
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 2 Station Turbo
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 4 Station
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 4 Station Turbo

Versatile instruments for cosmetics development

A rheometer is a powerful instrument for investigating formulations. Whether you are optimizing the flow of a body lotion, the time required for a cream to be absorbed into the skin, how much foam a shampoo produces and for how long, or how to improve the way lipstick “feels” on the lips, Anton Paar’s renowned MCR rheometers have a test to give the right insights. Rheometers also help you assess and improve a product’s behavior in storage (sedimentation, discoloration) and a special Powder Cell allows you to optimize the flow of powders. The single-point rheometer, RheolabQC, is the lower price model for quality control and routine analysis.  

Distinguishing between polymorphous substances

Accurately determining the type of polymorph is of critical importance for quality and process monitoring when producing, for example, titanium dioxide (E171) for use in the coatings of tablets, in sun block cream, or in toothpaste. The different crystal structures of titanium dioxide, such as rutile and anatase, can be identified using a Raman spectrometer from Anton Paar. The Cora 5X00 and Cora 7X00 Raman spectrometers provide a unique chemical fingerprint of a substance in less than a minute, including the structure of the crystals it contains.  

The right spray formulation for ideal spraying behavior

The key to a user-friendly spray is fast regeneration of the structure of the spray after it has left the container. If the structural regeneration of the spray is too slow, the liquid may run down the skin after application, which would be unacceptable from the consumer’s point of view. Anton Paar’s MCR rheometer is used to investigate how applications through spray nozzles or other techniques employing high shear forces influence the viscosity of liquid drugs, skin and hair care products. Structural regeneration tests are used to evaluate and optimize the behavior sprays. 

Efficient alternative to traditional stability test methods for personal care products

The rapid small-scale oxidation tester, RapidOxy, measures the induction period, which can be used as an indication of the oxidation and storage stability of cosmetic products. Unlike other oxidation and storage stability test methods, the RapidOxy procedure requires only a small sample quantity and delivers exact test results in a short period of time. 

Monitoring the production of hydrogen peroxide

Reliable monitoring of the concentration of H2O2 during manufacturing of hair care products is provided by the inline density sensor L-Dens 7400. This sensor ensures continuous and highly reliable measurement of hydrogen peroxide in the concentration range from 0 % to 95 % and at temperatures up to 100 °C.


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