Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
Your most flexible and precise option for DMA
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers (DMA) precisely quantify the viscoelastic properties of your material as a function of temperature, time, frequency and amplitude. DMAs are mainly used to determine the material’s modulus and stiffness, but also its damping properties, creep and relaxation. This provides crucial insights into glass transition temperatures and further characteristic transitions, the effect of fillers and additives, compatibility of polymers, and much more. Anton Paar offers Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers suitable for DMA in tension, bending and compression, as well as torsion and even combined axial-torsional loading modes at unprecedented precision based on air-bearing supported drive units. This unique and flexible concept, in combination with the broad portfolio of accessories used to characterize materials as influenced by the temperature, relative humidity and also in immersion, helps you to unlock valuable insights into material performance and product optimization.
Anton Paar Products
The most flexible dynamic mechanical analyzers for all applications
The use of the precise air-bearing-supported linear drive and air-bearing-supported rotational drive enables you to perform dynamic mechanical analysis in tension, bending, compression and torsion with the MCR series. The combination of the state-of-the-art moving-magnet motor and renowned EC motor technology with optical encoder technology guarantees highly precise measurements and maximum flexibility concerning the selection of the test mode. For this reason, it is not the limitations of a device that determine the measuring mode to be used, but rather the loading conditions in the actual application which have to be simulated during characterization.
Enable material characterization which was, until now, impossible
The dynamic mechanical analyzer MCR 702e MultiDrive combines a state-of-the-art moving-magnet motor and rotational drive in one device, enabling dynamic mechanical analysis in tension and torsion within one test definition without changing the specimen. This allows, for the first time, the precise determination of the Poisson's ratio of isotropic materials using a single sample. In addition, when investigating anisotropic materials such as composites, a fast direction-dependent characterization is possible, which facilitates a more comprehensive analysis of the sample properties. On top of that, the concept enables you to perform all kinds of rheological investigations with the same setup.
Control the greatest influence of all – temperature
Anton Paar’s devices are optimized to generate a homogeneous temperature distribution up to 1,000°C. Measuring systems with integrated temperature sensors fixed close to the clamped sample can be used. The measured and controlled temperature relates to the actual sample temperature, and the highest reproducibility over the entire temperature range is guaranteed without manual positioning of the sensor. Gas chiller (-90 °C) or liquid nitrogen (-160 °C) options can be used for controlled cooling. If temperature and relative humidity need to be controlled, a humidity option can be combined with a convection temperature device to adjust the relative humidity in the range of 5 °C to 120 °C and 5 % rH to 95 % rH.
Use our broad accessory portfolio to master any dynamic mechanical analysis
The three-point-bending (TPB), single and dual cantilever (CTL), the solid rectangular fixture (SRF) or circular fixture (SCF), film and fiber fixtures (UXF), or parallel-plate systems (PP) can be used to perform dynamic mechanical analysis. Material pockets characterize powdery samples and measuring system shafts can be combined with any disposable or customized geometry. There are immersion options to perform dynamic mechanical characterization in a fluid environment. Furthermore, camera options visualize the samples during the DMA to record optically perceptible sample changes. Customized shear sandwiches are also offered. Contact us to discuss your requirements and find a customized solution for your measurement task.
Rely on smart features to take the work off your hands
A unique array of smart features makes our Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers really accessible, eliminating the need for manual settings and user training. This includes the patented Toolmaster™ feature which automatically recognizes and configures all connected devices and measuring geometries, reduces setup time, and eliminates operating errors. The QuickConnect coupling and fully automated procedures for an optimum alignment (ZeroGap and ZeroAngle) make it possible to exchange measuring systems and ensures precise measurements without user intervention. Additionally, the RheoCompass™ software, provides predefined test templates, but can be customized for more advanced measurements.
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