Zeta Potential Analysis: Theory, Measurements and Applications

The zeta potential is a charge that builds up at the surface of a particle or flat material that has been immersed in a liquid. This charge is caused by ions in the solution counter-balancing charges on the surface of the particle or material.

The zeta potential of a particle or bulk material is relevant to product performance and stability because the charged species can either attract or repel each other and thus play a key role in surface interactions, colloid stability, adsorption processes, aggregation and many other interactions.

This presentation will describe how the zeta potential develops at the interfaces of particles and materials in a liquid. Attendees will learn the most common ways that zeta potentials are measured and how they affect particle stability and interactions, as well as see specific application examples..

Specific application areas will include assessing the stability of suspended particle formulations, means to prevent aggregation, the effectiveness of filtration materials and applications specific to the pharmaceutical, semiconductor and water treatment industries.





Stephen Hussey, PhD. (English)
Stephen Hussey, PhD.

Stephen Hussey has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Penn State University and has spent the last 15 years working in the chemical and analytical instrumentation industries to support new product development, develop new applications and support research and development efforts.

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