Guidelines for adhesion measurement by scratch testing

Scratch resistance and coating adhesion of material surfaces are important issues in many areas, both industrial and academic. Scratch testing is a suitable measurement technique which helps industries and laboratories to study these mechanical properties in order to develop high quality materials and products according to their specific needs. Nevertheless, scratch tests require practical experience to obtain the desired results since they depend also on the chosen testing parameters such as applied normal load, scratch speed or indenter radius.

After introducing the scratch test technique, this webinar will show you general guidelines and best practices as well as useful tips and tricks to perform a successful scratch measurements. You will learn how to choose relevant testing parameters according to the material to be tested. Also, you will realize that the measurement protocol is mainly based on the type of materials (ceramic, glass, polymer, metal etc.), their hardness and thickness.

The main topics will be:

  • Purpose of a scratch test
  • General recommendations for a scratch measurement
  • Recommended parameters for coated materials
  • Recommended parameters for bulk materials
  • Troubleshooting





Xavier Guthmann (English)
Xavier Guthmann

Xavier Guthmann has been an Application Engineer at Anton Paar TriTec since February 2019. He studied materials science at the ENSIACET Engineering School and at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse (France).

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