I work in the Electronic Production department, in the THT assembly. In this department we are involved in the production of almost all Anton Paar instruments. We attach different components such as resistors and electrolytic capacitors to the circuit boards.
I work at a mounting station where manual dexterity and a feeling for the materials involved in the production play a vital role. It is crucial to concentrate and work reliably, precisely, and conscientiously. Good eyesight is also essential for this job.
I was initially an office administrator. After working for several years in the office, I was seeking a new professional challenge. I ended up being in the right place at the right time: I can proudly say that I have been part of this great company since 2007.
At the beginning of my employment I had to learn all the manual skills from scratch. Everything is difficult at first but I soon mastered all the skills my job requires. My favorite task is the assembly of prototypes, as this challenges me time and time again. Being willing to learn, open to new things, and happy to work in a team are the basic requirements of working at Anton Paar. I have never regretted my career change as I am still doing my job with enthusiasm and joy.
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