Synthesize and characterize organic compounds with Anton Paar

Anton Paar's microwave synthesis product line is a series of high-performance microwave reactors designed for small to medium-scale microwave synthesis. Improve productivity and product purity across all applications in R&D, reduce consumable costs and your environmental footprint by using reusable consumables. Our high-performing modular polarimeters measure optical rotation with precision. From single wavelength to multiwavelength options, we always find the right match for your application.

This webinar will explore :

- Principle of microwave heating

- Benefits of microwave reactors

- Typical applications

- Anton Paar solutions for your needs

- Principle of polarimetry characterization

- Typical applications

- Choosing the best instrument for your needs

Mr. Rene Nguyen, Dr. Mohammad Reza Gholipour (English)
Rene Nguyen

René Nguyen earned his PhD in Organic Synthesis at McGill University. He has been a product specialist at Anton Paar since 2016, specializing in analytical testing of beverage and petroleum products. He has developed numerous unique methods for measuring density and saved users time and money with his contributions in concentration determination.

Mohammad Reza Gholipour

Dr. Mohammad Reza Gholipour is the lead scientist for the mechanical surface characterization group at Anton Paar Canada and brings significant expertise in an array of industries and applications.

He received his Ph.D. from Laval University in chemical engineering specializing in nanotechnology applications and material solid surface characterization.