Creep testing of polymers as a characterization method complementing dynamic mechanical analysis, for successful material selection and product design
Whereas dynamic mechanical analysis applies an oscillatory load or deformation upon a polymeric sample, to characterize its mechanical properties, application of a constant load enables the measurement of a material’s creep behavior. Both testing methods are therefore complementary and essential for successful material selection and product design, especially when time-dependent material properties are decisive.
This webinar focuses on creep testing of polymers and its suitable deployment. A detailed explanation of the so-called stepped isothermal method (SIM) as an accelerated test method for predicting polymers' long-term behavior will be demonstrated with applicative measurements.
Join us for this free webinar to
… learn about available DMA and creep testing methods
… familiarize yourself with the general deployment of creep testing on polymers
… learn how to apply creep testing to predict your polymer's long-term behavior
Target groups:
• Polymer/material scientists
• Anyone who works in the polymer industry and performs polymer characterization
• Anyone who works with DMA
• Anyone interested in material science
Dr. Helena Weingrill will lead you through the Powder Rheology workshop comprising theoretical and practical sessions. After obtaining her PhD in polymer science at Montanuniversitaet Leoben in Austria with a special focus on material characterization, she joined Anton Paar in 2019. As global product manager for Powder rheology, she has specialized in the rheological characterization of powders of all kinds.
Dr. Gerald Pilz will continue after the introduction and will dig deeper into the field of creep testing based on the broad knowledge he has acquired in 20 years of research. He is currently working as a senior scientist at the chair of Material Science and Testing of Polymers at Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria. He is specialized in mechanical and thermo-mechanical characterization of high performance plastics, technical thermoplastics and fiber-reinforced plastics, and is the author of numerous publications.
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