Flavors and fragrances

Getting the most information out of small volumes

Concentration, purity, viscosity, and more – knowledge about these parameters is required to unlock the secrets of the raw materials and formulations used in the production of flavors and fragrances. Manufacturing chemical flavors, aromas, and perfumes which will be accepted and endorsed by consumers demands measuring instrumentation for use in rigorous quality testing and during the research phase. Anton Paar provides stand-alone instruments and modular systems which can be set to determine many parameters in automated measurement cycles. 

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Abel Flash Point Tester:
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Autotap Dual Station 220V / 50HZ
Automated Tapped Density Analyzers:
Autotap Single Station 220V / 50HZ
Benchtop Density Meter:
Compact Digital Density Meter:
DMA 1001
Compact Digital Refractometer:
Compact Raman Spectrometers:
Cora 5001
The Type U L-Cor 8000 Coriolis mass flow meter from the front
Coriolis Flow Meter:
L-Cor 8000
Coriolis Mass Flow Meter:
L-Cor 4000
Cosmetic Lab Equipment:
Cosmetics Starter Kit
Density and Sound Velocity Concentration Sensor:
L-Com 5500
Density Meter:
DMA 4200 M
Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument:
Litesizer DLS
FTIR Spectrometer:
Lyza 7000
Fully Automated Benchtop Rheometer:
HTR 3000
The Type S L-Cor 6000 Coriolis mass flow meter from the front
Hygienic Flow Meter:
L-Cor 6000
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 3300
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 7400
Inline Density Meter:
L-Dens 7500
Microwave Digestion Platform:
Multiwave 5000
Microwave Reactor:
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 200
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 400
Microwave Reactor:
Monowave 450
Modular Compact Polarimeter:
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e MultiDrive
Modular Compact Rheometer:
MCR 702e Space MultiDrive
Modular Polarimeter:
Multiparameter Measurement System:
Flavor & Fragrance Measurement System
Oxidation Stability Tester:
RapidOxy 100
Pensky-Martens Flash Point Tester:
PMA 500
Portable Density Meter:
DMA 35 Standard
Rolling-Ball Viscometer:
Lovis 2000 M/ME
Rotational Viscometer:
TAG Flash Point Tester:
TAG 300
TAG Flash Point Tester:
TAG 500
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 2 Station
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 2 Station Turbo
Vapor Sorption Volumetric Gas Sorption Analyzer:
VSTAR 4 Station

Small sample quantity for a comprehensive result

When determining different parameters it is not always possible to use a high volume of sample. Sometimes there is only a small sample quantity available or the liquid to be analyzed is expensive. You want to use the smallest sample volume possible in order to keep costs low. Anton Paar has several instruments and accessories which offer a practical solution requiring only a small sample volume. Filling a few milliliters into a multiparameter setup such as Modulyzer gives an output of results for density, refractive index, and optical rotation. The sample can be recovered after the measurement. Measurement modules for viscosity, turbidity, and pH can also be added to the system.

No cross-contamination

With Anton Paar instruments there is no risk of contaminating your measured sample with previous samples. You can rely on analysis free of contamination and carry-over. Your results will be highly accurate and there is also the option to recover your samples.

The highest quality for wholesome products

A pure substance is the basis for a wholesome product. The high quality of ingredients can be ensured by measurement of densityrefractive indexspecific and optical rotationoxidation stabilityviscosityRaman spectroscopy, and flash point. All these parameters can be determined by Anton Paar instruments.

Support of the production of flavors and fragrances

With our broad product range, we provide instrumentation for every situation to help you tackle your daily challenges. From raw material monitoring to formulation checks and quality control, we have the right instrument for your needs. When researching new natural or artificial flavoring, perfumes, essential oils, e-liquids, syrups, food extracts, liquid fragrances, or cosmetics, Anton Paar’s instruments help you gain insight into material properties.

Automated filling, draining, and cleaning

Using an automatic sample changer from the Xsample series is a must when there are many samples to be measured each day. Automating this step means errors caused by manual sample filling are avoided. Using customized vials full of sample straight from production saves time. In addition, the original bar code can be used for identification. With an Xsample sample changer you can apply different methods for each single sample within one magazine. The different samples are then assigned to different filling, draining, and cleaning routines, using up to three different solvents. Anton Paar’s sample changers are space-saving and quiet, so they won’t disturb other people at work in the laboratory.


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