XRD and SAXS for Operando Battery Research

X-ray characterization methods such as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are proving to be critical analytical methods in the development of future energy storage and conversion materials. As many of the obstacles and opportunities associated with these materials lie in the structural complexity of the typically multiphase systems, structure-sensitive techniques such as operando SAXS and XRD hold the key to the monitoring of physicochemical mechanisms during, e.g., the electrochemical cycling of battery materials. Understanding these processes at the nano or atomic scale can be a turning point in the development and performance improvement of next-generation battery systems.

Nowadays, such operando investigations and studies can be performed on advanced laboratory XRD and SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS instruments. In this webinar, we will discuss selected examples of operando SAXS and XRD measurements on battery materials and highlight the results and findings which can be obtained.

The webinar content will include:

  • Introduction to X-ray analysis for operando battery research
  • Instrumental requirements for operando studies with the use of SAXS and XRD
  • Application examples of operando measurements of various type of electrochemical cells using SAXS and XRD

Target group:

  • Beginners to experts in small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction
  • Anyone interested in the structural characterization of energy conversion and storage materials
  • Anyone interested in operando electrochemical studies
Heiner Santner, PhD, Dr. Marius Kremer (English)
Heiner Santner, PhD, Dr. Marius Kremer (English)
Heiner Santner, PhD

Heiner Santner (PhD) has completed a PhD in technical chemistry from Graz University of Technology and held a postdoctoral position at ICMAB - Barcelona with a research focus on synthesis and characterization of energy storage devices by X-ray scattering methods. Since 2006 he is a product specialist for small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering instrumentation at Anton Paar and has developed a deep expertise in SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS instrumentation and its application to the analysis of nano-structured materials like colloidal systems and thin films.

Marius Kremer

Dr. Marius Kremer obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the RWTH Aachen University with a focus on crystallography and X-ray diffraction. He joined Anton Paar in April 2021 and currently works as Application Specialist for Non-Ambient X-ray attachments.



