Non-ambient XRD under relative humidity and temperature – how humidity affects your powder sample

Humidity may be a key factor for changing different materials properties. Humid gases can interact with the sample causing hydration / dehydration of the material, swelling, hardening, crystallization, amorphization or phase transitions for example. A combined study using X-ray diffraction with a suitable non-ambient chamber allows in-situ studies on structural changes under varying temperatures and relative humidities to be performed.

The CHC plus+ Cryo- and Humidity Chamber is a unique tool for in-situ studies at low and high temperatures, but also under controlled relative humidity. During the webinar we will explore the instruments design, its versatility and the diversity of applications (pharmaceuticals, mineralogy, and water affinity studies of MOFs).

The webinar content will be:

  • The CHC plus+ Cryo- and Humidity Chamber and further system components
  • The crux of relative humidity and temperature: condensation issues
  • Optimizing your experiment
  • Application examples

Target group:

  • Beginners to experts in non-ambient X-ray diffraction
  • Anyone performing non-ambient XRD experiments with an interest in varying relative humidity and temperature
  • Anyone interested in technical solutions for non-ambient studies under humidity and temperature
Mag. Dr. Barbara Puhr (English)
Barbara Puhr

Dr. Barbara Puhr obtained her PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Graz, with a focus in petrology and geochemistry. Following a post-doctoral fellowship and some years of experience in X-ray diffraction in an industrial R&D facility, she joined Anton Paar in July 2014 and currently works as the product manager for Non-Ambient X-ray attachments.

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