Rheology and Particle Characterization of Pharmaceutical Formulations
Rheology of Pharmaceutical Samples :
- What is Rheology?
- Rheometer and Measuring Geometries
- Rotation Tests
- Oscillation Tests
- Powder Rheology
Basics of Dynamic Light Scattering and Zeta Potential Measurement:
- Basics of dynamic light scattering
- Intensity trace and correlation function
- Zeta potential measurement
Dr. Rishi Gupta earned his doctorate and post-doctoral degrees from the University of Delhi, and he is currently employed as Technical Manager with Anton Paar India's Characterization Division. He has over 15 years of expertise working with catalytic reactions and analytical instruments. Dr. Gupta has over 40 International publications with around 3500 citations. Dr. Gupta also has worked extensively in porous material characterization utilizing Gas Sorption and particle size analysis techniques