Combining rheology with confocal microscopy: linking microstructure to rheological properties with highest resolution

This webinar will be held by Tobias Nill, MSc, and Dr. Jan Lauko. Special applications demand special and customized solutions when it comes to the combination of a rheometer with a confocal microscope. Anton Paar rheometers offer unique specifications and provide solutions for maximum working space and flexibility which enables the combination with different confocal microscopes. Confocal Rheo-imaging is a powerful tool for the detailed characterization of the microstructure of complex fluids and soft materials like biomimetic hydroels or colloidal suspensions. Controlled shear conditions and direct linking to the rheological behavior enables deeper understanding of intrinsically complex materials. In this webinar, we show technical challenges and solutions for rheo-confocal combinations and examples for practical applications.


Tobias Nill is the International Product Manager for the MCR Rheometer Series and is located at Anton Paar in Germany. He has more than 7 years of rheology and rheometry experience and has a Master of Science in Applied Chemistry from Reutlingen University in Germany.

Dr. Jan Lauko is the group operations and research manager in the group of Prof. Alan Rowan at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland. Together with Dr. Petri Turunen, he was responsible for the design and development of a super-resolution confocal–rheometer microscope, by implementing an Anton Paar MCR 502 WESP rheometer. He obtained his PhD in materials science from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

MSc Tobias Nill (English)
Tobias Nill

Tobias Nill is the International Product Manager for the MCR rheometer series and is located at Anton Paar in Germany. He has more than 8 years of rheology and rheometry experience and has a Master of Science in Applied Chemistry from Reutlingen University in Germany.



