Master the flow of your food products
Rheological characterization of food can help you define the properties you want in your food product in order to fulfill not only your business requirements but also customer needs. Consistency and repeatability are key, not only for quality or process control at the production line but also when it comes to specific measurements in the development process. Only if the quality of your product is consistently guaranteed, can you count on your customer’s loyalty. Therefore, it is important to understand how measuring rheological properties can help you achieve the appropriate mouthfeel of your food product. Register now and learn how Anton Paar viscometers and rheometers help you master the flow of your food.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- The importance of the rheological properties of food in food production, processing, and quality control
- Psychorheology: Finding the suitable mouthfeel for your food products in order to fulfill customer expectations
- Applications of food rheology
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