Monitoring progress: In situ SAXS measurements

The nano-world is full of wonders, e. g. the physical properties of many materials differ significantly from the bulk properties when their size is 'shrunk' down to the nanometer scale. This can have interesting optical, electronic, and many other effects. Also, nanostructures can show alignment effects when an external force is applied – e.g. when shearing or stretching a polymer.
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is the perfect method to study such effects in situ – meaning while they are happening. SAXS can measure the sample under all kinds of non-ambient conditions: increased temperature, different atmospheres, pressure, strain/stress, etc. This allows the study of dynamic processes in many fields – from biochemistry (e. g. pH-related changes in protein structure) to materials science (e. g. stress/strain behaviour in polymers).
Learn how in situ SAXS can be used on your samples in this webinar.

Webinar content:

  • Application examples of in situ SAXS

Target group:

  • Beginners in small-angle X-ray scattering
  • Anyone interested in the characterization of nanostructured materials
Dr. Andreas Keilbach (English)
Andreas Keilbach

Dr. Andreas Keilbach obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Munich, with a focus in porous materials. After his PhD studies, he joined Anton Paar in April 2011 and is currently part product manager for small-angle X-ray scattering at Anton Paar GmbH.



