Go with the Flow - From Viscosity to Rheology and Beyond

Viscosity is a very powerful tool for characterizing "fluid-like" materials. It provides insight into how resistant the sample will be flow under both shear and temperature. Typical viscometers apply only a single shear condition over a range of temperatures and thus are limited when a materials move from "unstructured" to "structured". To characterize "structured" materials that can range from flowable to non-flowable the use of rheology, which viscosity is a small subsection of, is incorporated. In rheology the aim is to understand both the viscous and elastic balance which cause changes in the sample under varying shear conditions. The aim of this webinar is to introduce existing principles of rheological theory, along with various test methods that can be incorporated to further characterize a material beyond the use of simply viscosity.


Mr. James P. Eickhoff Jr. (English)
James P. Eickhoff Jr.

James Eickhoff is the principal application engineer for the rheology division as a member of the Advanced Technical Support Center at Anton Paar USA. He has over 20 years of theoretical and experimental rheology training, including the last 17 years with Anton Paar having guided current and prospective customers on the use of rheological techniques in their industrial and academic research. James earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological University and Clemson University, respectively.

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