Viscometry: How to overcome challenges in your quality control?

We are taking on #ChallengesInViscometry that you face on day to day basic and resolving one at a time. Join us in this webinar as we solve all your worries about viscosity testing of gels, lotions, cough syrups, ketchup, chocolate and chemical etc. and all this in a compliant environment.

  • How viscosity affects your quality and consistency.
  • Importance of temperature control in viscosity measurement: Temperature stability test
  • Shear thinning index roles to improve quality: Flow curve and viscosity curve
  • Key aspect in chocolate viscosity: Yield point analysis
  • New era of viscosity measurement: Compliance and FDA regulation.

Any other worries or questions about viscosity testing, just send them to us and we will take up your questions in the online seminar.

Mr. Rahul Sharma (English)
Rahul Sharma

Mr. Rahul Sharma started out strong with a Masters in Microbiology after which he moved on to gain experience in Analytical Instruments in various industries like Applied Life Sciences. He has been working with Anton Paar India since 2013 and is currently the Technical Manager for Viscometry.

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