WEBINAR | Viscometer vs. Rheometer: Which is right for me?

 Anton Paar warmly invites you to an interactive presentation on Viscometry and Rheometry


Mr. Tomatohead has been inundated with complaints from customers for over a week! Customers are saying his signature tomato sauce is no longer pouring smoothly. Their snags are drenched in sauce, because the contents of the sauce bottle flow out too quickly. If Mr. Tomatohead doesn’t do something about this quick, he will surely lose more than just followers on social media! 

Does this sound like you? Have you ever found yourself trying to understand why the flow behavior of your product varies from batch to batch, and how to best quantify it? What about developing new products for use in new markets, or fine tuning a process to ensure a more consistent product?

Join us for this fun introduction to viscometry, rheometry and the science of funny fluids. Then learn what is the best device for you, i.e. a viscometer, rheometer or something in between. The presentation includes a live measurement on some common household products, showing where and how different devices can be used, and which one would suit best.      


Dr Ashish Kumar, Stuart Cragg (English)
Ashish Kumar

Dr. Ashish Kumar is Market Manager for the Characterisation product portfolio at Anton Paar Australia and Anton Paar New Zealand, including Rheometry, Mechanical Surface Testing, Particle Characterisation and Nanosurface Properties. He is responsible for technical support, application testing, product management and marketing activities for the different product lines, and has been since 2013. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from The University of Melbourne (Australia) and has 12 years of rheology experience, five of those in the field of mineral processing and tailings disposal.

Stuart Cragg

Stuart Cragg has been working with analytical instrumentation since 1992 and has been working with Anton Paar instrumentation since 1999. Initially starting in the role as Service Manager, Stuart gained a thorough knowledge of the working principles of the instruments and the practical tips and tricks. Since 2002 Stuart has been responsible for the product and market management of the Business Unit Measurement, which includes measuring instruments for density/specific gravity/extract, alcohol, dissolved CO2 and O2.