Time to evolve 19 - Viscometer vs Rheometer: How to choose the right instrument?

Learn first-hand what are the basic differences between a viscometer and a rheometer and how to choose the right instrument for you considering your specifications, needs and budget.

What will you learn?

  • The actual differences between a viscometer and a rheometer
  • When to choose between a viscometer and a rheometer
  • What Anton Paar can offer you in terms of viscosity or rheological measurements

Target group:

  • Anyone concerned in measuring relevant viscosity parameters either for QC and/or R&D purposes
  • Everyone who is at the stage of choosing between a viscometer or a rheometer for their viscosity measurements
  • Laboratory managers and technicians, supervisors and production managers
  • Quality control and R&D laboratories, companies interested in viscosity measurements which are in the budgeting phase or considering buying new equipment or replacing the one they have



Dr. Pablo Zardoya-Laguardia (English)
Pablo Zardoya-Laguardia

Pablo Zardoya-Laguardia studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. He worked as a researcher in the Pharmacology department at the University of Hertfordshire (UK) and then he finished his PhD in Reproductive Biology at the Medical University of Graz (Austria). Additionally, he worked as an assistant policy officer at the European Commission in the Health and Food Safety Directorate (SANTE). Since 2019 he has been a product manager for the viscometer portfolio. With his diverse experience, he will provide a valuable solution to your problem.

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