Proteins at interfaces: In situ characterization of protein adsorption by zeta potential

Proteins at interfaces: In situ characterization of protein adsorption by zeta potential

This webinar will extend the characterization of proteins in solution – the subject of the webinar "Characterizing proteins: From particle size to isoelectric points and molecular mass" (Oct 7, 2021) – to include the behavior of proteins at solid-water interfaces. Although the composition of the aqueous solution determined by its pH, ionic strength, and auxiliary chemicals is tremendously important for the stabilization of proteins, their interaction with the walls of storage containers may be equally responsible for protein agglomeration or denaturation. The equipment of the surface of vials or pre-filled syringes for pharmaceutical formulations of antibodies with antiadhesive coatings helps to increase the shelf time of such drugs. Just as important is the interaction of proteins with temporary or permanent implants and other biomaterials. In this webinar we make use of the characterization of the solid-water interface by means of the zeta potential to study protein interaction with different material surfaces in situ.

We will:

  • explain zeta potential analysis for solid material surfaces
  • provide a review of previous zeta potential studies of protein adsorption on model surfaces
  • focus on materials with a complex geometry (vials, tubings, sensors)
  • demonstrate the applicability of zeta potential analysis for protein adsorption studies
PhD Thomas Luxbacher (English)
Thomas Luxbacher

Thomas Luxbacher is principal scientist for surface charge and zeta potential at Anton Paar. Prior to his present role, he was a product manager for surface zeta potential analyzers for more than 15 years. Before joining Anton Paar, Thomas gained experience in the semiconductor and automotive businesses. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in Physical Chemistry from Graz University of Technology.

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