Basics of oxidation testing


1. Oxidation Stability of Products and Influence on Shelf-Life 30min (10:00-10:30)

2. Determining and Investigating the Oxidation Stability of Products 30min (10:30-11:00)

3. Q&A session

Dr Carolin Edinger (English)
Carolin Edinger

Dr. Carolin Edinger studied Chemistry at Johannes-Gutenberg University – Mainz and majored in organic chemistry. She earned her PhD for researching the electrochemical deoxygenation of amides and related compounds. Since beginning of 2016 she works as Product Manager at Anton Paar. Matching her chemical education she is responsible for oxidation stability testing devices. Exploring application is one of her core businesses. In addition to that she is an active member of various standardization committees at ISO, CEN, ASTM, and AOCS and has taken the lead as convenor of CEN TC19 JWG1 (“Vegetable fats and oils and their by-products for use in automotive fuels”) and co-chair of ASTM D02.14 Working Group (“Oxidation stability Spark Ignition / Middle Distillate Fuels”).