Tribology: Friction and wear characterization

The study of tribology deals with friction, wear, and lubrication. From automotive engine components to cartilage and tissues, tribology is finding its use in various fields. Starting with the basics of tribology, this #OnlineSeminar  focusses on tribological characterization of lubes and greases, biotribological topics such as cartilages, ophthalmic solutions, biomedical devices, etc. This session also talks about application of tribology in food and beverage industry. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Mapping tribological characteristics in static and extreme boundary regimes through “Extended” Stribeck curves

  • Studying the effect of additives and contaminants on engine oil
  • Extreme low-temperature testing of greases – upto -80°
  • Developing correlation between friction and sensory data for cosmetics, and food and beverages




Enregistrement disponible
Kartik Pondicherry (English)

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