International Webinar: Introduction of SAXSpoint 5.0

Anton Paar announces a dedicated point-collimation system, which stands for high resolution, ease of use and full experimental flexibility: SAXSpoint 5.0.

We are introducing the probably world's best SAXS laboratory solution.

  • A SAXS history
  • Who is Anton Paar
  • Future proof: SAXSpoint 5.0
  • Modular equipment, such as USAXS, detection technologies, sample holders
  • Method combinations: from RheoSAXS to SEC-SAXS
  • Parameter screening made easy
  • In focus: application measurements

This webinar is for all who are or will be using SAXS in the lab or at large research facilities.

Dr. Andreas Keilbach (English)
Andreas Keilbach

Dr. Andreas Keilbach obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Munich, with a focus in porous materials. After his PhD studies, he joined Anton Paar in April 2011 and is currently part product manager for small-angle X-ray scattering at Anton Paar GmbH.

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