TruBeam™ for XRDynamic 500: Getting the most out of your XRD data

With XRDynamic 500, Anton Paar is breaking new ground in terms of the measurement quality and efficiency that can be achieved in XRD. The key to the performance of XRDynamic 500 is the TruBeam™ concept which brings together in one complete package a large goniometer radius, evacuated beam path, automatic change of the beam geometry and optics, and automated instrument and sample alignment routines. This webinar will show how TruBeam™ delivers:

  • best-in-class data quality under all conditions (resolution / signal-to-noise ratio)
  • the possibility to measure with different instrument configurations in one measurement batch with no user intervention needed
  • reduced chance of measurement setup errors
  • reduced ownership costs and increased instrument uptime
  • reduced training time for users new to XRD

Target group:

  • anyone already performing or wanting to perform XRD measurements: from beginners to experts
  • anyone wanting to know how to routinely obtain the best-quality XRD data
  • anyone wanting to increase the measurement efficiency of their XRD system
Dr. Benedikt Schrode (English)
Benedikt Schrode

Benedikt Schrode studied technical physics at Graz University of Technology. In his PhD, he focused on the preparation and characterization of epitaxially grown organic thin films by (grazing incidence) X-ray diffraction using lab instruments and synchrotron sources. In July 2020, he joined Anton Paar as an application specialist for X-ray diffraction.

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