Determination of Key Parameters for Injectables and Vaccines

This webinar provides insights into the determination of key physical parameters for safe and high quality products of injectables and vaccines .
Experience how the push of a single button yields three physical parameters – specific gravity, viscosity and turbidity. Not only are these properties important in the biopharmaceutical industry, but specifically so for injectables and vaccines.
The measuring system is fully 21CFR Part 11 compliant – including features such as user management, audit trail, electronic signature, non-storage mode, desktop operation, etc.
To witness the complete system from Anton Paar in action please join us from comfort of your office /home, please register for the webinar. Our experts from our Headquarters in Graz, Austria are looking forward to welcome you for a live demonstration of the system.
Hannes Schleifer holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the Institute of Pharmacology of Graz University. He started working at Anton Paar 2013. Since then he gained insight in a number of industries including the biotech, life sciences, medical and pharmaceutical industry. In his current role he helps to find the best solutions for customers of the above industries from the Anton Paar's density meter portfolio.
Nikolaus Turrini obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Graz, with a focus in the field of organic and bioorganic chemistry. Following a post-doctoral fellowship in Environmental Metallomics he joined Anton Paar in January 2018 and currently works as product manager in the viscometry department.
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