Webinar on characterization of magneto-rheological fluids

Magnetorheology is the science of the flow behavior of magnetorheological- and ferrofluids. These fluids are so-called smart materials whose properties (viscosity, modulus) significantly change when a magnetic field is applied.

This webinar deals with the basics of Rheology with a special focus on investigation of materials whose rheological properties are influenced by application of magnetic field. Such smart fluids find their usage in a range of application from optics to aerospace. 

A brief outline of the webinar is given below:

  • Introduction to Rheology and Smart Fluids
  • Magneto-Rheological Setup
  • Test and Data (flow curves, amplitude sweeps, etc.)
  • Live Demo with device demonstration with set up configuration and connections
  • Magneto-sweep study with rotational & oscillatory measurements 
  • Data analysis and result interpretation in software

Dr. Kartik Pondicherry, Dr. Sumit Singh (English)