Coal & Graphite - Pushing the Limits of Microwave Acid Digestion

Join us for this webinar on microwave-assisted acid digestion of coals and graphite. 

If you have worked with coal or graphite samples, you know the challenges involved in getting a good digestion within a reasonable time-frame. See how easily the Multiwave 5000 + Rotor 20SVT50 can simplify your workflow and push the limits of acid digestion. Learn everything from ready-to-use methods for fast and safe digestions of a range of coal and graphite as well as how to adapt this method for your specific materials. Also, you will be able to learn and discuss with the speaker the importance of parameters including temperature, acid mixtures, or method development to achieve the best analytical result for your lab. 

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how easily Multiwave 5000 and Rotor 20SVT50 will simplify your sample preparation workflow.
  • Discover how to push the limits of acid digestion.
  • Learn about ready-to-use methods for safe digestion of a range of different samples and how to adapt a method to handle the most challenging applications. 
Dr. Markus Michaelis (English)
Markus Michaelis

Markus Michaelis is an analytical chemist graduating from Graz University of Technology in the 1980ies.

Since joining Anton Paar in 2010 he has been solving application problems for customers worldwide and is an expert for instrumentation and chemistry with application knowledge of sample preparation, especially high-pressure acid digestion techniques and difficult samples.

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