MKT 50 millikelvin thermometer for temperature measurements in the petroleum industry

Temperature measurement is one of the most frequently performed determinations of a physical parameter and it is part of the calibration procedure in the petroleum industry.

Accurate, fast and user-friendly? Yes, of course!

The solution for accurate, fast, user-friendly and affordable temperature meters has a name: MKT 50 Millikelvin Thermometer. Today, numerous refineries have already made the decision to go with Anton Paar’s MKT 50 due to its accuracy combined with its outstanding price/performance ratio.

Depending on the temperature sensor, varying temperature ranges are covered, e.g. from –100 °C to 450 °C. MKT 50 also complies with the requirements as specified in DIN EN 60751.

The field of application is wider than that. In addition to taking temperature measurements, MKT 50 also proves indispensable in a petrochemical sample laboratory for

  • the calibration of DMA M density meters,
  • the calibration of SVM viscometers,
  • the calibration of water baths, and
  • the calibration of all temperature sensors used in the respective plant.

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