From grape to glass - Quality control solutions to complete your wine analysis

In this webinar you will learn how to complete your wine analysis and measure key parameters from incoming raw materials to final quality control of packaged wine. Furthermore, you will understand how to benefit from provided analysis and which instrumentation you can use during your production steps. With high-precision laboratory and process wine analysis, developed over two decades, we showcase how to precisely determine and monitor the alcohol content and more of 20 key parameters in wine and sparkling wine.

We offer more than 15 instruments for your in-depth analysis and share our expertise in inline, at-line, and laboratory wine analysis. No matter if you are a small or big wine producer or wine bottler – we will explain advantages of combining laboratory and process instrumentation, but also other solutions as offered for example by our handheld density meter DMA35.

Special Webinar-offer*:

10% discount for all wine-relevant products for webinar attendees only
Valid until 16.08.2020

*Special offer just valid for Webinar attendees for the two webinars:
From grape to glass - Quality control solutions to complete your wine analysis

Dr. Miha Zavrsnik, Ms. Bettina Hoefer (English)

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