The fastest, most economic solution for SAE J300 low-shear viscosity measurements

The fastest, most economic solution for SAE J300 low-shear viscosity measurements

SAE J300 is the most important standard for engine oils and specifies the limits for different viscosity grades. In the classificiation of these lubricants, low-shear viscosity at 100 °C is a crucial parameter.

Join us for this live demonstration to find out more about how our SVM kinematic viscometer delivers results in less than 5 minutes – saving enormous amounts of time compared to traditional glass capillary systems. Learn more about the high economic efficiency and impressive measuring range giving you the utmost flexibility. Our viscosity experts look forward to answering your questions.

Dr. Nikolaus Turrini (English)
Nikolaus Turrini

Nikolaus Turrini obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Graz, with a focus in the field of organic and bioorganic chemistry. Following a post-doctoral fellowship in Environmental Metallomics he joined Anton Paar in January 2018 and currently works as product manager in the viscometry department.