Rheological and Textural Characterization of Gelatin Samples

Rheological tests on gelatin solutions, gels and products are important for modeling and quality control and can give insight into the product on a molecular level, whereas mechanical tests can be used to determine textural attributes or other properties such as for example the fatigue limit of artificial tissues.

1 Introduction
Gelatin is an important protein which can be found in tissues of animals as well as their skin and bones [1]. It is an important material in several industries such as food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and biotechnology [2], where it is used in e.g. food packaging, synthesis of hydrogels and bio-inks due to its biocompatibility, low viscosity and shear thinning behavior as well as its ability to form thermo-reversible gels around body temperature [1, 3].
In this report we show different rheological and mechanical characterization methods that can be used to gain a better understanding about samples and products to improve modeling, quality or customer experience.

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