Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Adhesive Samples – Overcoming Rheological Challenges
Relevant for: MCR, Rheometer, Multidrive, Separate Motor Transducer, SMT, RheoCompass, Master curve, TTS, Time-Temperature-Superposition, Adhesive, PSA
Knowing the mechanical and thermal properties of adhesives is of great importance due to their diverse use in both industrial and daily life applications. Rheological methods allow performing mechanical and thermal analysis simultaneously. The preferred test procedure is the so-called time-temperature superposition (TTS): Frequency sweeps are carried out over a wide range of temperatures. However, to perform this test within a single run, the user is faced with different challenges. A sophisticated controller and matched up hardware are essential. Furthermore, different analysis tools (all provided by our RheoCompass Software) allow transforming the data to a user-friendly presentation style and making them ready for further analysis. All these tools to overcome the challenges guarantee the best rheological tests making the Modular Compact Rheometer (MCR) from Anton Paar a valuable partner for quality control and formulation of pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs).
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