Identification of Organic Solvents
Cora 5001 Raman spectrometers are ideally suited to differentiate between different organic solvents by their unique chemical fingerprint.
Organic solvents are ubiquitously used e.g. in the chemical, cosmetic, or pharmaceutical industries for the fabrication of a plethora of products. The quality of the solvents used in reaction processes is of crucial importance for the quality of the end products.
Raman spectroscopy using Anton Paar’s Cora 5001 Raman spectrometers provides a unique chemical fingerprint of a substance so that substances that are very similar in their physical properties can be distinguished without difficulty. In this way, incoming goods can be easily checked for their integrity and purity, and impure or incorrect deliveries may be rejected immediately. The possibility of non-destructively measuring through the container saves sample preparation time and ensures the safety of employees. In addition, sensitive substances (e.g. against moisture, oxygen, etc.) can be analyzed without opening of the vessel maintaining the product quality.
Together with algorithmic database matching Raman spectroscopy renders incoming goods inspection in the chemical, pharmaceutical, or cosmetics industries a safe, specific, and extremely fast process.
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