Phase Transitions of Galliumphosphate

An in-situ XRD study of the phase transition of Galliumphosphate.

Due to the strong stability of the α-phase and the larger electromechanical coupling, as compared with quartz and berlinite, quartz-homeotypic GaPO4 has been recognized as one of the most promising piezoelectrics allowing the extension of quartz technologies to higher temperatures as well as larger bandwidths. Among its most attractive properties, its large piezoelectric strain constant d11 and its high temperature stability of the α-quartz phase to the β-cristobalite transition make it a serious candidate for sensor applications, in particular as pressure sensor in combustion engines. Previous investigations showed discrep-ancies of the reported transition temperatures for the irreversible transition from the α-quartz to the β-cristobalite-like phase and the subsequent reversi-ble high/low cristobalite-like phase transition. (1,2)



1. Kosten, H. Arnold. Z. Kristallogr. 152, 1980, 119
2. S. Hirano, P. Kim. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 62, 1989, 275

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