Combined density and sound velocity measurement for the determination of formaldehyde and methanol in water

The installation of a combined density and sound velocity meter ensures fast, reliable, and highly accurate measurements of both, methanol/water mixtures and formaldehyde/ methanol/water mixtures as well as high quality of the delivered products.

A combined density and sound velocity meter offers an easy and quick solution to measure the concentration of methanol and formaldehyde in water simultaneously.

From a series of measurements comparing the combined density and sound velocity meter to reference methods, a deviation of < 0.1 % w/w can be achieved for both analytes using customer-specific formulas.

Compared to standard methods such as gas chromatography and titration, the combined density and sound measurement yields precise results within a few minutes.

In contrast to competitive methods combined density and sound velocity measurements are eco-friendly and less expensive because no additional reagents are required. Furthermore, exposure to harmful vapors and sample handling are minimized.

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