Beverage | Beer | Nitrogenating Beverages with Anton Paar Flex-Blend

The dosage of nitrogen into beer or other beverages is the new module of the Flex-Blend family. Breweries can rely on the precise measurement and control of nitrogen in addition to the carbon dioxide content in the beverages. Anton Paar’s high quality inline sensors guarantee the continuous and real time measurement of the dissolved nitrogen.


Nitrogen (N2) is known to affect the appearance and taste of beer in terms of foaming. When it comes to blending as well as carbonating beverages, Anton Paar’s Flex-Blend family has continuously proven to be consistent and reliable. The new module of nitrogen dosage allows brewers to add N2 on its own or in addition to carbon dioxide (CO2) to their beverages. Brewers gain ability to regulate and adjust their products.
To ensure the exact amounts of dissolved N2 and CO2 in the beverage the reliable and highly accurate Anton Paar sensors Carbo 5100 and Carbo 6300 are used for real-time monitoring. Due to the smart control sys-tem inside the Flex-Blend aberrations from target val-ues are immediately recognized and adjusted. With the Flex-Blend family Anton Paar offers fully auto-mated blending, carbonating and now also nitrogenating plants which will be designed and adapted to the customer’s needs.

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