ABA 500: Ethanol content in cosmetic products
Ethanol is used as multipurpose agent in cosmetic products, e.g. as preservative, as solvent for salicylic acid or for disinfection. The flash point of the respective product depends mostly on its ethanol content.
Ethanol is used in cosmetic products for a lot of purposes, for example as disinfection agent in aftershave, preservative in Vitamin C serum or as solvent for salicylic acid in skin cleaning agents.
The flash point of these cosmetics mostly depends on the ethanol content.
A low flash point can be a safety issue, not only in transportation, but also already in the production process. Therefore, it might be necessary to adjust or reduce the ethanol content to a lower amount, especially in the summer season when the higher ambient temperature causes more ethanol to evaporate and the flash point exceeds a critical limit.
The following measurements show how the flash point is changed by adding only a small amount of ethanol to the original products.
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