A multi-method approach to quality control illustrated on the industrial powder coating process


Industrial powder coating processes offer a unique object of application for Anton Paar Rheometers. Compared to classic coating procedures with liquid materials, powder coating is still a relatively young procedure. Its first industrial applications date back to the mid-1960s and its ever increasing use since then can be mainly attributed to the desire for more environment-friendly coating systems. The Powder Coating process is dependent on the one end on pneumatic conveyance behavior, namely the transport as a dense fluidized powder phase and its associated bulk solid values and, on the other end, on bulk polymer behavior, used to determine and keep constant the curing point at which the applied powder bonds and produces an (ideally) smooth surface. This multivariate process is an ideal object of quality control for MCR Rheometers and two accessories: the Powder Flow Cell and a disposable Plate-Plate Geometry with Peltier-heated hood. Both processes can be described and predicted by the use of an Anton Paar MCR Rheometer. 

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