Mechanical surface characterization applications in metallurgy
Metallurgy is a broad industry comprising production, thermomechanical and surface treatment, as well as post-processing of metals and alloys. Many different techniques are used with the goal to gain superior material properties like high strength, good response to external loading, good surface properties (like hardness and wear resistance), and many more. In this webinar we will provide you with an overview of metallurgical applications combined with some principles for the characterization of mechanical surface properties. We will present how indentation, tribology and scratch techniques can be used to study surface strength of welds and multiphase materials and for the characterization of metallic powders, adhesive and cohesive properties of thermal spray coatings.
The main topics will be:
- Overview of the metallurgical industry and its applications
- Surface strength measurements
- Weld characterization using indentation techniques
- Examples of measurements on thermal spray coatings
- Compressive measurements on powder particles for additive manufacturing
Pavel Sedmak is Product Manager at Anton Paar TriTec. He obtained his PhD in materials science at the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic). He continued as a post-doc at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in France, working on the ID11 materials science beamline. He joined Anton Paar TriTec in 2020, and since then has gained deep knowledge in instrumented indentation, scratch testing, and tribology. His main tasks are laboratory measurement for customers and generating analytical and application reports using Anton Paar products, for scientific and industrial projects.
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