Getting it right all the time SG measurement in the cosmetic industry

What is the easiest way to determine the specific gravity (SG) of pasty samples like skin creams? How can I be sure, as a producer, that I have filled the correct amount of product?

How can I easily perform QC for essential and natural oils? Can SG help me characterize other wellness products and nutraceuticals?

You'll find answers to all these questions in the webinar. 

Target group: cosmetics producers; producers of body care products like skin cream, lotions, shampoos; producers of natural and essential oils. 


  • Quality control for natural and essential oils
  • Quality control for body care products
  • Quality control for pasty samples – tips and tricks for measuring pasty samples
  • Incoming goods & raw materials check
  • Filling volume determination & reduction of filling errors 
Dr. Barbara Klug-Santner, Dr. Hannes Schleifer (English)
Barbara Klug-Santner

Barbara Klug-Santner obtained her PhD at the Institute for Environmental Biotechnology at the Technical University of Graz. She has been working at Anton Paar since 2006. In the last 13 years she has become an expert in density measurement and is currently working as a product manager for the portable density meters, the small benchtop density meters, and the Millikelvin thermometers.

Hannes Schleifer

Hannes Schleifer holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the Institute of Pharmacology of Graz University. He started working at Anton Paar 2013. Since then he gained insight in a number of industries including the biotech, life sciences, medical and pharmaceutical industry. In his current role he helps to find the best solutions for customers of the above industries from the Anton Paar's density meter portfolio.

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