Basics of Rheology for Food Applications

Seize this opportunity to learn useful tips and tricks for choosing correct measurement system for various food samples with this webinar.

The participants will learn about flow and viscosity curves and various test methods like amplitude sweep, frequency sweep and temperature sweep while further gaining insights into - 


  • Understanding food material flow and deformation behavior using Rheology measurements
  • Selection of special Rheology measuring systems for food materials with large particles, sedimenting particles and non-homogenous materials
  • Measuring Non-Newtonian behavior of packaged food materials
  • Understanding visco-elastic behavior of food materials by dynamic oscillatory measurements.








Kartik Pondicherry (English)
Kartik Pondicherry

Dr. Kartik Pondicherry is the Global Product Manager for Tribology at Anton Paar GmbH, specializing in tribological solutions within the Rheology department. With a Ph.D. in Tribology from Montanuniversität Leoben, a Master's in Advanced Materials from Ulm University, and an Engineer's Degree in Metallurgy from Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Dr. Pondicherry has a strong foundation in materials science and tribology. He leads efforts to advance tribological technologies and their applications in industries such as food manufacturing and materials research.

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