Specific gravity- a key parameter

In this eLearning session we describe the specific gravity measurement in the whole refining process- from upstream to downstream. We introduce the theoretical background to the technique, the advantages of digital measurement over traditional approaches and introduce the broad equipment solutions from Anton Paar. We place a particular focus on the practical aspect of this parameter in the daily routine to ensure full compliance with ASTM D4052, D5002, D7777, D8188 & ISO 12185. Our density experts in petroleum industry will answer all your questions you may have on this topic.

Key learnings:

  1. Specific gravity measurement with Anton Paar’s oscillating U-tube technology
  2. Advantages using digital handheld and benchtop density meters
  3. Application fields within the whole refining process
  4. Compliance to relevant ISO and ASTM standards

Dr. Barbara Klug-Santner, Marcel Urban (English)
Barbara Klug-Santner

Dr. Barbara Klug-Santner is the global product manager for portable and benchtop density meters at Anton Paar GmbH, Austria. She has spent more than eight years focused on enhancing the applications of density meters in various industrial fields.

Marcel Urban

Marcel Urban is the international product manager for density and concentration meters at the Anton Paar headquarters in Austria. His background is sensor technology with many years’ experience in different industries like industrial, medical and automotive. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Microelectronics at the Carinthian Tech Institute in Villach, Austria 2000. Marcel Urban joined Anton Paar in June 2019.