Raman Spectroscopy as a Critical Tool for Battery Raw Materials Characterization

This webinar will focus on presenting Raman analysis possibilities and general technique advantages for battery raw material characterization. 
Verification of different solvents and their mixtures, identification and quantification of electrolyte salts and quality control of graphene will be some of webinar topics. 

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand Raman measurement advantages
  • Recognize Raman use cases in battery raw material analysis 
Mr. Viktor Zagorec (English)
Viktor Zagorec

Viktor Zagorec is the Raman technology product manager at Anton Paar responsible for its benchtop Raman devices portfolio. He has been with Anton Paar for 3 years, and prior to joining the Raman team, Viktor worked at Anton Paar Croatia. Viktor is chemist by profession and holds master’s degree in analytical chemistry. In addition to a chemistry background, he has business experience and holds a master´s degree in management.

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