Oil Circulation Ratio (OCR) Measurement

When discussions about “destruction of the ozone layer”, “greenhouse gases”, and “global warming” arise, refrigerants are always involved. To develop cooling processes and liquids it seems that CO2 is best suited, being technically relevant and eco-friendly.

A refrigerant together with lubricating oil in a certain ratio, called OCR, is used in all cooling devices. A main factor in terms of efficiency is the Oil Circulation Ratio (OCR). The focus of OCR measurements is the optimization of cooling systems to increase the efficiency of the cooling process and to decrease operating costs. The oil in the refrigerant is essential for the lubrication of the compressor but negatively affects the thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant. Therefore, the determination of the ideal mixing ratio is extremely important for maximum effectiveness with minimum wear rates of the compressor.

Anton Paar offers a wide range of customer-specific solutions to develop, control, and ensure the correct OCR in real-time. Solutions for all established and new refrigerants are provided. You will get real-time information about the oil concentration ratio in your air condition system. Also for air condition systems with CO2, Anton Paar can deliver the right sensor technology.




Recording available
Christian Pölzl, Gerald Schwarz (English)
Christian Pölzl

Christian Pölzl is a Product Manager for Process Instrumentation at Anton Paar and is in charge of process sensors for measuring density, sound velocity, and viscosity. He studied Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management. After several years as a mechanical engineer he started to work as a Product and Sales Manager in the field of environmental technology. His special fields were machinery-based shredding of waste, composting, and plant engineering for the sorting of secondary raw materials.

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